Are you a bored Doctor Who fan who craves new content during this strange time? Have you been eyeing up Big Finish’s website but never known where to start?
This is the guide for you about where to start in Big Finish’s content from a feminist fan’s perspective.

1. Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon
This boxset delves into Rose’s journey that allowed her to reunite with The Doctor in “The Stolen Earth” and “Journey’s End.” It features Rose as we know her: strong-willed and very, very smart. Each story is unique and features callbacks to her time on the show, and they interlace perfectly. I highly recommend this set for any fan who wants to start their journey into Big Finish. It is one of my all-time favorites and is available to purchase and download here.
2. Lady Christina
If you don’t remember who Lady Christina is, she is the gorgeous and assertive thief from the “Planet of the Dead” special with David Tennant. Despite only having one appearance, her personality is so well-written in her box set that you will feel as though she had an entire series on the show. The stories in this box set are super fun to listen to (one features Donna’s mum!) and feature some fan-favorite monsters. This set was a smash-hit among Twitter friends, and you will totally see why if you listen! Available to purchase and download here.
3. Missy
The first Missy box set is one of my favorite offerings from Big Finish. It features Henry VIII (or does it?) and a very very Mary Poppins-esque Missy, as well as a hilarious detective story that can only be described as a romp. I love this set, and I can’t wait for series two which comes out in July! Available to purchase and download here.
4. Donna Noble: Kidnapped!
This box set gives Donna a chance to step into the spotlight and have her own story, and I love it. Catherine Tate slips back into the role perfectly, and Donna’s comedy is as quick as ever. All four stories intertwine seamlessly while also being very strong stories on their own. I loved this set and have re-listened many many times. Available to purchase and download here.
5. Susan’s War
If you’re more of a classic Doctor Who fan, this is the set for you! This set explores how Susan was involved in the Time War and includes some very incredible callbacks to her run on the show, including the involvement of Ian and the Sensorites. This set is very enjoyable and was well-received by fans. Available to purchase and download here.
6. UNIT – The New Series
The UNIT series is very fun. I own all 8 sets on disc and regularly re-listen, but my two favourites are “Silenced” and “Revisitations.” A few sets are weaker than the others, such as “Shutdown”, which I would honestly advise skipping. “Silenced” is a wonderful and well-intertwined set, and “Revisitations” features my favourite Big Finish story yet, “Breach of Trust.” Kate and Osgood are amazing characters, and these sets highlight them and their strengths so well. Available to purchase and download here.
7. The Diary of River Song
Yes, River Song has her own solo series from Big Finish, and yes, it’s amazing. Several of the sets feature her and the other Doctors (Six, Seven, Eight, Five, and Four), and one faces her off against several different Masters. These sets are so much fun, and River is such a great character. I love how these sets flesh out her timeline and give us a view of what she can be like on her own. Available to purchase and download here.
8. The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield
I love the character Bernice Summerfield. She’s an archaeologist and adventurer, and all of her sets are so much fun. Her new adventures set specifically features some beloved classic characters and monsters, as well as a whole new Doctor! These sets are also great to introduce you to some of the other worlds of Big Finish. Available to purchase and download here.
So, there you have it!
My list of how to enter the world of Big Finish from a feminist perspective. If you decide to give any of these a try, feel free to let me know what you thought on Twitter (@brittanyplus) or our new Sartorial Geek Discord!!
1 Comment
I love it when Big Finish gets the attention it deserves.