Well, damn. The world is a crazy place right now.

But nerds everywhere can rejoice in these glorious happenings all over the globe. I hope these lift your spirits and make your heart happy.

Sir Patrick Stewart Existing & Reading Sonnets

As if Sir Patrick just EXISTING isn’t enough to bring a smile to your face, this legend is reading a Shakespearian sonnet a day to his followers. He’s skipped a few that he doesn’t like or just didn’t feel like reading (and his explanations as to why are very endearing).

Stewart is famous for his roles in Star Trek and the X-Men movie franchise, but before all of that he performed on stage in the Royal Shakespeare Company. Listening to someone so well trained reading Shakespeare is a real treat.

You can check them out on his instagram or twitter

Levar Burton Reading for Kids & Adults

Speaking of legendary Star Trek actors, LeVar Burton (who played Geordie LaForge alongside Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation) is live streaming reading for kids AND adults on Twitter.

He’s reading for kids on Mondays at midday ET, Young adults on Wednesdays at 6pm, and adults on Fridays at 9pm.

And on a beautiful side note… Burton was struggling to find children’s books he could legally read online (there are often a slew of copyright issues with this), and Neil Gaiman gave him blanket permission via Twitter to read ANY of his books. *cue warm fuzzy feelings*

You can find the live streams on his twitter.

John Krasinski hosts “Some Good News”

If you need a dose of fun and good news, you need to check out “Some Good News” by John Krasinski on YouTube. Krasinski is highlighting good news stories around the globe in this hilariously DIY-d show from his home, and also chatting with a few of his famous friends (including an interview with his former The Office co-star, Steve Carell).

But the REAL treat is in his second episode, where Krasinski reuinites the cast of Hamilton in a video conference sing-a-long for a young fans birthday.

There are currently only two episodes, but we can all hope there’s more to come soon!

Watch them on the official “Some Good News” Youtube channel.

Daleks Want YOU to I-SO-LATE

This story is just so fantastically British.

In the small UK village of Robin Hood’s Bay (yes, that’s really what it’s called and I want to live there), Daleks have taken to the streets to encourage humans to self isolate.

The Tayside Police in Scotland shared the video with the hilarious comment, “Our colleagues in Skaro division have deployed their Direct Action Local Enforcement Kops to ensure everyone is following guidelines about isolation and social distancing.”

No one has taken credit for the prank, but Whovians all over the world tip our fezzes to them.

Magic at the British Library

Don’t worry, Harry Potter fans, there’s something happening for you too!

“Because that’s what Hermione does,” said Ron, shrugging. “When in doubt, go to the library.” – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The British Library has made their “Harry Potter: A History of Magic” exhibit available online… FOR FREE! You can access it through Google Arts & Culture here.

The exhibit covers everything from the illustrated art of Harry Potter to the weird and wonderful history of magic.

And BONUS… when attending the library virtually, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll come across a basilisk or ghoul. But maybe stay out of the restricted section, just in case.

What other awesome nerdy things have you seen happening around the world?

Comment below so we can all share in the happy feels!


Kit runs Kit Cronk Studio, where she designs gorgeous merch for book nerds and fangirls. Check out her insta-stories for some epic Disney lip sync showdowns that are guaranteed to make you laugh!

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