There are many ways to experience the holiday season; looking at Christmas lights, baking cookies, and of course, watching Christmas movies. But keeping your nerd status during Christmastime is getting easier, so here are my four favorite nerdy holiday specials.
4. He-Man She-Ra Christmas Special

In the He-Man and She-Ra Christmas special, Skeletor learns the true meaning of Christmas . . . briefly. Everyone should get a chance to enjoy this very on brand Christmas special!
3. X-Men

What better way to celebrate the holiday season than by watching the iconic X-Men Wolverine, Jean Grey, and Gambit deal with villains and the holiday spirit?
2. Batman the Animated Series

Nothing says holidays like Christmas with the Joker! Watch Gotham’s caped crusader take on the
Christmas spirit and put an end to the Joker’s torture of his friends.
1. Star Wars

Nothing is better (or worse) than this obviously drug-induced Star Wars production. The team works to get Chewy back to his family in time for a very important Wookie holiday. The special features The Golden Girls’ Bea Arthur and is absolutely ridiculous. You have to see it.
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