I have heard that Silvera’s books mess you up. Knowing that, I still got his debut More Happy Than Not and read it expecting to come out clean. Holy cow did I not.
Aaron is a teen in New York City. He has a girlfriend (Genevieve), he hangs out with his friends, and his dad committed suicide. He attempted suicide as well, but luckily he was unsuccessful. One day he meets Thomas, and they become incredibly quick friends.
Thomas is from a different apartment complex, but they still get along really well. That is, until Aaron realizes some things about himself, and feels like he ruins everything. He wants to get a memory removal procedure, but his mom doesn’t want him to. Ultimately, it is his choice.

This book blew my freaking mind. It was so well written, and there were some amazing twists. I really can’t go further into the story without spoiling things, but this book is well worth checking out. I think you have to be prepared for a lot of darkness, because there is a lot of violence and talk of suicide.
Overall, this was too dark to be one of my favorite books this year, but it was still amazing. I will be reading more Silvera soon, but I need a moment to step back after this one.
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