Sometimes I come across a new Kickstarter campaign that’s a perfect intersection of all of my interests, and the Geekfinitee campaign is exactly that. Geek fashion + Harry Potter + handmade goods couldn’t be more up my alley.

GeekFinitee’s first Kickstarter campaign features four House Scarves, one for each Hogwarts house. They’re not the traditional knit stripes; instead they’re made with a light, soft fabric (better for year-round wear) with sweet details representing each house. I think my favorite part of the design are the cute little owls found in each pattern (which will also be available as enamel pins if GeekFinitee reaches their stretch goal!).

Kickstarter Campaigns to Watch: Geekfinitee

Rewards range from $5 to $100 and include postcards, stickers, art prints, and of course the infinity house scarves. Which color would you go for?

Click here to back GeekFinitee’s project before it ends on July 5!


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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