We have a thing for indie magazines at The Sartorial Geek, and BUN & TEA‘s Kickstarter campaign is a cool twist on a traditional publication.

BUN &TEA is about three times the usual length of an American monthly magazine, clocking in at about 65 pages. But it’s still a magazine! So while BUN & TEA has plenty of comics stories (fifty of those pages will contain graphic narrative), it comes with all the magazine-y trimmings. Like quizzes, which are normally one of my favorite parts of reading a magazine, tbh.

Kickstarter Campaigns to Watch: BUN & TEA #1

Each chapter is introduced by their mascot Bunton Cuppasham, a rabbit who loves hot drinks and stories. Chapters are between one and six pages, with cozy additional interest pages.

BUN & TEA‘s comics come from an array of creators in the United States, Australia, England, Ireland, Spain, Chile, and Wales-via-Finland. They are a trans-friendly publication and contain several queer romances of varying tone.

Kickstarter Campaigns to Watch: BUN & TEA #1

If you want to get a physical copy of this magazine, you have until August 15! After that, this magazine will only be available digitally.

Click here to back BUN & TEA‘s campaign before it ends in two short weeks!


Jordan Ellis is the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek and the weirdo behind Jordandené, a subtly geeky lifestyle and apparel brand.

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