Okay, okay. I know everyone is all up in their feelings about our Game of Thrones watch ending. Although we can’t seem to agree on whether we love or hate Season 8, there is one thing I think we can agree on: Jon Snow is freaking Jaime Lannister.
Hear me out:
Killing Kings (and Queens)

Jaime killed “Mad King,” “burn them all” Aerys Targaryen, even though he was a part of the Kingsguard and that title was also his FULL JOB DESCRIPTION.

Jon killed Daenerys “Dracarys” Targaryen, the Queen to whom he bent the knee, and promised to defend and protect.
Why? Because the father-daughter duo both had a penchant for arson and mass murder.

Where? In the same freaking throne room in front of the same Iron Throne.

How? C’mon, are you sensing a pattern here? I will say the difference here is Aerys was stabbed by Jaime in the back (for shame), while Jon stabbed Daenerys whilst gazing lovingly into her eyes (better?) . . .
Kissing Cousins

(Or sisters, or aunts, basically all the incest). Stop procreating with your twin sister.

Stop making out with your aunt even after you find out she’s your aunt! Please. For the love of all that is holy. It’s not ideal for you or me or your future incest-babies.
HOW IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS PARALLEL?! Let’s chat. Tell me if you think I’m onto something here . . .
I’m so mad this didn’t even remotely cross my mind.
Very interesting when you look at it like that! I am a bit sad at how their arc was resolved.. but holy smokes so much beautiful cinematography by the time they wrapped it up.