Holo friends, its me, Cristine Emily again! I’m a huge fan of Simply Nailogical, AKA Cristine Rotenberg. I’ve been watching her videos for just over a year, and I kind of love her. She’s an awk sock, a cat mom, and honestly such a positive influence. While she used to do nail tutorials (I’m sure you’ve heard of Polish Mountain), her channel is now more of whatever she wants, which is rad.
A couple months ago, Cristine announced Holo Taco, her nail polish collection. I didn’t buy anything from the initial launch because I have a ton of nail polish and found it difficult to justify buying more. But a few weeks back she announced a holo-day collection, and I realized that I had space in my collection for a couple of the colors. I ordered two colors: Party Punch and Play Rose.
These colors came really quickly, which surprised me. A lot of her products had sold out in the initial launch, so I expected things to take quite some time to get to me, but nope! I received my polishes within a week and a half (they ship from New Jersey and I live in Maryland, so that may have something to do with it). The polishes came in a black box with the Holo Taco logo, and when the box is opened it reads, “Well holo there,” which I love. They also came safe in foam, within individual boxes that said, “Holo Taco!”

Do it for the Holo.
The first color I tried was Play Rose because I thought it would be more versatile. It is a peachy color full of holographic glitter. I was right in how versatile it is; not only is it good for parties, but it’s also just a good all around color. While wearing it, I found that it didn’t start chipping until over a week after application. That being said, I did not use the Holo Taco base or top coat; I used what I had at home.
The next week I tried out Party Punch, and really liked it! It’s significantly less of an all around color, which kind of bummed me out. I think that I expected it to be more of a red, but instead it’s a pinky-red (almost raspberry). I should have paid more attention before purchasing it, because Cristine did swatches of all of her colors so people can see them before buying. Again, this color lasted over a week before chipping, which is perfect (I like to do my nails once a week).
Altogether, I love these. Party Punch isn’t really the color for me, but I absolutely adored Play Rose. Both colors are unique in my collection of nail polish, which is why I chose them. I’m also really proud that these are the only nail polishes I’ve bought this year (but I’ve used up a bunch)! If you’ve been reading my Sartorial Geek pieces for a while, you know that I’m a big fan of Project Panning. You can check out my piece on panning last year here!
I highly recommend checking out Holo Taco nail polish. There are some rad colors, beautiful Holo glitters, and even some basic coats for every day wear. You can also watch Cristine’s videos here!
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