Before you try to guess the reason: no, it’s not because he’s hot. I mean, he is, but it has nothing to do with that. Bucky Barnes being attractive is just the cherry on top of the magnificent Bucky Barnes. And don’t worry, this article will be completely spoiler free. If you haven’t seen Endgame yet though, you should.

Bucky Barnes is arguably one of the best-written characters in the entire MCU, despite the fact that he has less than an hour of screen time when you put all of his parts together. He is a damaged, sad, and fractured thing, but he is slowly making his way toward being not the man he was, but the man he wants to now be in this new, and strange world.

So why do I love him? Why do I choose to follow him blindly in the MCU? He’s extremely relatable, and in a very human way. I am not a soldier, and I have never been brainwashed, but I suffer with PTSD and of course, good old Bucky does as well. I relate to him because he is so dependent on Steve, and in love with him (in whatever meaning that means to you, it’s valid), and my heart goes out to him. It’s hard trying to navigate your life when your mind is louder than everything else around you.

Despite all of this, and everything he is going through, Bucky manages to not only power through everything, but be a constant in Steve’s life. He will follow his friend into the dark, and I can understand that. I’d die for my friends, and Bucky has died (more than once), for his.

So to sum up, why I love Bucky Barnes? It’s simple. He is loyal, he is loving, and although he has suffered immeasurably, he manages to stand his ground, and be the man he chooses and wants to be. He’s a true hero.
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Why I’m obsessed with him? Well he was first brought to my attention in a trailer for Captain America the Winter Soldier. I was INSTANTLY transfixed by this riveting creature with the badass moves, and the perfect male body wrapped in black leather. And those piercing eyes!! He really looks very beautiful as the Winter Soldier, and that has a lot to do with it, don’t let them kid you. As if that weren’t enough, he has a certain pain and vulnerability in those gorgeous blue-green eyes. That combination of alpha male and vulnerable boy is irresistible to many women. And then we learn that the actor for the role, Sebastian Stan, is hot, funny, adorable and charming. That’s it, it’s all over, forget about it.