It’s no secret that I’m emotional. The older I get, the more I cry during everything.
Needless to say, I sob my eyes out in certain parts of the Harry Potter books (and movies). Here are the five biggest offenders.
(Spoilers, obviously)

1) Neville Longbottom, pretty much all the time, but especially when he wins Gryffindor the house cup in year one. He sadly blunders his way through his first year, and that epic underdog moment at the end leaves me a sobbing mess.

2) When Harry realizes his chance of happiness with his godfather are gone. Sirius Black’s death is epically devastating on its own, but watching Harry’s chance at a happy family life disappear is too much.

3) Finally learning the truth about Snape. At this point in the story, I was completely convinced Snape was evil. Looking into his memories and discovering all the sacrifices he made broke me.

4) Dobby’s final sacrifice. I still can’t talk about it.

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