Fandom meets Astrology in this weekly horoscope filled with geeky advice, inspiration, and a recommendation or two.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
You’re filled with initiative and energy this week! This is a great time for exploration and starting new things whether that is a new fandom, genre, or project, but careful that your assertiveness doesn’t come off as pushy and demanding and cause conflict. Take a look at your to-play, to-read, or to-watch lists and pick out something that you’ve been meaning to get around to but haven’t yet. Better yet, have a friend or a special someone share their favorites with you.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
This week you are filled with playful enthusiasm and tons of creativity, so put it to good use! Plan a virtual game or movie night with friends, create a new drink or recipe inspired by your favorite show, or roll up your sleeves and dig into your WIP. You’ll have a good handle on what details need to come together to make things happen. However, don’t forget that balance is key, otherwise, you might find yourself moving over to the dark side as you start to feel overwhelmed.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
You might want to take a moment to look over your mental and social calendar and reevaluate. It might feel like all of your plans and goals for this week feel at odds with your mood, but be patient with yourself. Give yourself permission to say “no” to things that you really don’t feel enthusiastic about and take some time off to relax and goof off. Have a dance-off, watch your favorite comedian or sit-com, or just spend some extra time with your friends or loved ones. Especially those who are children-at-heart.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
You’re all about being helpful and thoughtful this week, and what goes around will certainly come back around. But while you’re out robbing the rich to feed the poor and lending that extra hand to those around you who need it, don’t let your needs fall by the wayside. Take time to recharge and remember that even something small gestures like sending a text or taking the time to listen to someone can be just what the doctor ordered.

Pisces ( February 19 – March 20)
Proceed with caution and maybe stock up on truth serums this week (or pop over to Fillory for the Truth Key) because nothing is going to be what it seems. You might find yourself having to sort through some half-truths (and maybe even some lies) in your relationships and with yourself. The silver lining is that your communication skills are going to be unusually sharp, and it’s going to feel like you have a 10+ buff in that department. Use this week as a chance to bring about a positive change in your life.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
All eyes are going to be on you this week as you boldly forge your own path. You’re full of ambition and enthusiasm, so stay focused and don’t let other people (and their doubts) distract you. Just keep your head in the game! Now is the time to start that dream project, share your ideas, and set some new goals for yourself (geeky and otherwise). Don’t forget to share some of your passion and enthusiasm with others because you can help yourself best by helping others as well.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
This week is going to be about finding balance in your social life. Don’t be afraid to mix things up because you’ll feel extra energized and inspired after trying out that new one-shot campaign or that virtual hang out or viewing party with friends. However, when you’re ready for some alone time, don’t be afraid to take it. Needing to recharge and spend some time on your own is really important for you (and your relationships) right now, so pay special attention to your moods and how you’re feeling throughout the week.

Gemini (May 20 – June 20)
Teamwork makes the dream work! This week you’ll find that you get the most done (and have more fun) when partnering up with others to achieve your goal or beat that super hard final boss. There might be a few bumps in the road as you get comfortable with your new allies and their plans or ideas might not seem super clear to you at first, but don’t worry. Take a deep breath and try to focus on the bigger picture and have faith in your creativity and communication skills, and everything will work out in the end.

Cancer (June 21 – July 20)
It’s time to turn your attention inward and focus on yourself this week. You might be feeling a little drained from helping others lately, so you deserve some rest and relaxation. It’s okay to be self-indulgent. Curl up with a good book, break out those fancy face masks and bath bombs, marathon a K-drama, or get yourself a special present from your favorite geeky boutique. Take advantage of this introverted week and look to yourself for answers and inspiration instead of others. You’ve got this!

Leo (June 23 – August 22)
Everyone better watch out because you’re full of fire and flirtatious energy this week. Your charm and confidence are over 9,000 and will have your friends (and enemies) lying smitten at your feet. However, beware the potential conflicts or clashes that this energy can bring if you let your ego get the better of you. You have the power to get what you want, but you’ll be better off if you’re willing to help others get what they want, too.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You’re going to want to rush ahead this week, but you might find obligations and obstacles at every turn. It might feel like all of your hard work and planning is for not. However, things will work out as long as you try to go with the flow. Keep an open mind, consider a new approach, and make peace with the fact that everyone moves at their own paceāno amount of heckling will change that. Clear eyes, full bra, can’t lose!

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Explore your big ideas and let other people know what you are thinking because you’ll have excellent communication skills this week. So, jump on that Discord or group chat and don’t be afraid to share your perspective with others. This is also an excellent opportunity to be open to trying something or meeting someone new! Variety is the spice of life, and you’ll find yourself feeling extra inspired and might even find your next favorite fandom or genre after this week of exploration.

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