With the wonderful return of Star Wars: The Clone Wars on Disney+ it was about time to share my Ventress look. Ventress is one of my favorite characters in the Star Wars universe. She’s a bad b*tch and everything I wish I could emulate.
When I began to construct my Ventress outfit, I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to go about it. She’s pale white, bald, and has a jawline for days. So how could I ever look even remotely close to her? Well, that’s where the creativity had to kick in.
I based my Ventress outfit on her first look in The Clone Wars. In this outfit, she wore a purpleish-blue maxi-skirt with a matching top. The top has a cut out around the chest, and her arms are mostly bare. Under the skirt, it is revealed that the purplish-blue top is actually a body suit that is broken up with a ton of bandages corseting her waist and wrapping around her arms and legs.
The Bottom
Her Universe created a workout outfit based on this exact look of Ventress, but due to my curvier nature, I found that I wasn’t too fond of the sports bra from the outfit. But I loved the pants and just knew they had to be a part of my look.

I’m a total shorty, so I find for a lot of pants (particularly from Her Universe), I have to cuff the bottoms to make them look even remotely normal on me. Most of the time, I wouldn’t like that aspect with leggings/workout pants, but I found that it added to the “wrapped up” look of this outfit. These pants 100 percent made my outfit.
The Top
Next, the hardest part was finding the top. I knew I wanted a white long sleeve to try and replicate her skin. I knew I needed what I call a “boob hole,” and I knew I wanted it to be a body suit to give me a form fitting look to go with the leggings.
Lucky for me, I found this beauty on Amazon, and felt like it was the perfect match for what I was looking for!

The Details
For the shoes, I decided to wear my Adidas triple white Ultraboosts. They have a sock-like feeling to them, and I thought they replicated the simple ninja-esque shoes Ventress wears!

Finally, for the final detail I knew I needed to take some pictures with Ventress’s dual-wielding red sabers. The lighting wasn’t the best for these, so I went ahead and edited them in an app I found on iOS!
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