There is A LOT of Doctor Who content available surrounding Christmas and Yuletide. Enjoy this comprehensive list of my personal favorites to add a little Who to your festive season.
Christmas and New Year’s Specials
Doctor Who has done several holiday episodes. This list includes all of them (because I LOVE ALL OF THEM) for you to enjoy.
- The Feast of Stephen
- The Unquiet Dead
- The Christmas Invasion
- The Runaway Bride
- Voyage of the Damned
- The Next Doctor
- The End of Time Parts 1 & 2
- A Christmas Carol
- The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe
- The Snowmen
- Last Christmas
- The Return of Doctor Mysterio
- The Husbands of River Song
- Twice Upon A Time
- Resolution

Audio Stories
This is not a comprehensive list of every festive audio story, but some of my personal favourites! All of these are available on the Big Finish website.
- The Sixth Doctor: Blood on Santa’s Claw and Other Stories
- The Eighth Doctor: The Chimes of Midnight
- The Eighth Doctor: Relative Dimensions and Death in Blackpool
- The Eighth Doctor, Ravenous 2: Better Watch Out and Fairytale of Salzburg

And… Books!
There are quite a few anthologies featuring festive Doctor Who stories, and these are my personal favourites!
- The Twelve Doctors of Christmas
- Twelve Angels Weeping
- The Wintertime Paradox

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