Sometimes, I feel like I mention Loungefly mini backpacks too often in my posts.
Then I remember how much I love them and how they’re the greatest thing ever and realize I’m probably not talking about them enough.
For those of you even later to the game than I was, I’m talking about these little beauties:

You may have seen them before, worn by both convention veterans and casual geeks everywhere. You may have even considered splurging on one yourself, then wondered, “Is this worth it for something I can’t even fit a computer into?”
I’m here to tell you that YES, IT IS. Think of all the places you go that you don’t want to carry a huge backpack, but also don’t want the burden of carrying a purse on your shoulder. That’s where these come in: they’re perfectly sized for an everyday “purse” and aren’t as big as the bag you’d take to school, work, etc. I love to use mine as a carry-on since it’s the perfect size to stash a book, charger, and snack, and the adorably geeky designs make traveling that much more fun. Here are five of Loungefly’s mini backpacks that will turn you into a believer (or just add to your collection!)
1. This cute and spooky sidekick

One of their newer designs, this character bag is just too cute to pass up. If I was one of those people fortunate enough to 1. live near a Disney park and 2. hold a season pass so I could Disneybound all the time, I would have owned this one by now. Fingers crossed that they add a Sully next to make the cutest accessory for any Boo cosplayer.
2. This patriotic little guy

This is next on my “to buy” list. I love the clean simplicity of this perfectly Cap backpack, which will certainly make it easier for everyday wear. *quickly switches tabs to purchase to ensure I have the cutest Fourth of July accessory ever*
3. The only thing you’ll want to stash your Pokéballs in

If you’re extra enough to take this with you on Pokémon Go adventures, you’re automatically my favorite person. Can you find your favorite Pokémon in this adorable print?
4. This perfectly subtle Jedi (lightsaber not included)

To all of the amazing Rey cosplayers I see at every con: you need this bag. You deserve this bag. Stock it with water, snacks, and a mini sewing kit for all cosplay emergencies, and you’ll have the only bag you’ll ever need at a convention.
5. The cutest trash panda you’ve ever seen

“I’m sorry, I took it too far. I meant trash panda.”
This one speaks for itself. Just maybe watch your belongings around his sticky little paws.
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