Alright, alright, I know “best fandom ever” are fighting words. I myself am a dedicated member of more fandoms than I can count.
However, my sneaky use of a controversial title got you here, didn’t it?
Now, you are my captive audience to preach the theology of ponydom to, and hopefully I’ll convert you into this amazing fandom.

Reason 1: The Artwork
As an artist myself, the design styles of animated shows impact on how much I enjoy them. The rebooted My Little Pony: The Magic of Friendship (MLP for short) came with a new artistic style that is incredibly pleasing to the eye. It’s all soft lines and cohesive colour palettes.
Keen observers will notice it is stylistically similar to Disney’s Hercules (which is one of the most underrated Disney movies of all time, but that’s a topic for another blog post).
Reason 2: It’s Legit Hilarious
The writers have gone to town on the details in this show. I can just picture them all around a table laughing as they come up with funny horsey names for things . . . and then someone says, “Let’s actually DO that!”
For example, some of the locations in Equestria (the Pony world) include; Canterlot, Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Vanhoover, and my personal favorite, Las Pegasus.
They ALSO break the fourth wall / laws of gravity, use a LOT of sarcasm, and often do spoofs of other fandoms. Even my husband enjoys a lot of the jokes on the show (although I’m not sure I’m supposed to tell anyone that).
Reason 3: Diverse Personalities
Amongst the main characters (or “Mane 6”) we have two successful business owners, a pro athlete, an extreme sanguine who works multiple part-time jobs, an animal lover, and an organised book nerd.
The message is clear: you can be whatever you want. But more importantly . . . Your friends don’t have to be the same as you. I can’t help but feel that diversity of personalities (which often clash and have to be resolved) is often lacking in these kinds of shows.
Throughout the show we see best friendships, romances (although it’s obviously G-rated), and realistic sibling and family dynamics.
Reason 4: Mental Health Awareness
Similar to the original Winnie the Pooh characters, there are a host of behavioral and mental issues represented on the show. But what I love most about it is that they aren’t just “character quirks”. They’re things that challenge each character. The behavioral and mental issues are realistically overcome / managed through personal growth and work.
For example: Fluttershy has severe social anxiety. There are multiple episodes where she learns to better cope with it, but there’s never a “This will never be an issue for her again!” moment. It’s a constant work in progress, with emphasis on the importance of friends who will encourage and support her as she works through it. Kids (and adults) need to hear this message more often . . . There is no “quick fix”, but it doesn’t have to dominate your life.
Other issues include ADHD, perfectionism, anxiety, social awkwardness, etc.
Reason 5: Nerdy References
The writers of the show are CLEARLY nerds. If you watch closely, you’ll see dozens of references to other fandoms, like the “Thor” pony. There are entire episodes dedicated to an Indiana Jones-type character, and there’s even one that takes place at a fan convention.
My all-time favorite, however, is that the character Discord (Lord of Chaos) is voiced by the same man who plays Q in Star Trek.
Reason 6: Dr. Whooves
. . . This should technically be part of Reason 5 but it’s SO AWESOME it deserves its own point.
I’d seen artwork of Dr. Whooves kicking around online – he’s a Pony version of the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (played by David Tennant . . . be still my beating heart). I assumed it was fan art. I was wrong.

Dr. Whooves is a 100 percent canon character. He’s even an INVENTOR who dabbles in TIME TRAVEL and in one episode he wears the TOM BAKER SCARF.
Whoever came up with this idea – Bless your cotton socks.
Reason 7: It’s Wholesome
It goes without saying that MLP is an incredibly wholesome show.
I started watching it at a time when reality sucked and I needed something that was going to have a guaranteed happy ending. Needless to say, I had no idea just how entertaining and addictive it was going to be. If you’re sick of all the bad news in the world, this show could be just what the doctor ordered.
Reason 8: The Fandom

The MLP fandom is incredibly varied! You may have heard of the “Bro-ny” phenomenon of men who are fans of the show. As a result, there is some amazing fan art, remixed songs (DO look up the songs, they are exceptional), and memes kicking around on the internet. It will make you feel a little less weird about loving a show whose original target audience is 20+ years younger than you.
Reason 9: Real Talk
MLP deals with some tricky issues. My FAVORITE is a two-parter where the ponies find themselves in a creepy communist town.
Without spoiling anything . . . they get locked away at one point, with speakers in the room droning “To excel is to fail. No one is special” until they are sufficiently brainwashed. It’s hilarious and scary at the same time.
Early on there are also episodes that deal with racism towards asylum seekers in an easy to understand way. They also show toxic friendships and how to recognise / deal with them, which is becoming more and more of an issue for children of today. The later seasons, in particular, have a real focus on racial diversity and inclusiveness.
Reason 10: Do It For Your Inner Child
This is the show I wish had existed when I was a kid. It told me that my crazy organisational skills that got me labelled as “bossy” can actually save the day. It reaffirmed that I can create a wildly successful business, and create anything I imagine. It reminded me that my mental health is a work in progress – and there is nothing wrong with that.
I firmly believe that everyone needs to hear this kind of validation – and what sweeter, more simple way to hear it than through a cartoon?
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